Gérôme, Jean-Léon. Jerusalem. 1867, Oil on canvas. Musée d'Orsay, Paris.
Lord, may we remember that your will is good even when it is painful
Our Lord Jesus was crushed according to your will
For the joy that was set before him
For us
You are the great intercessor, O Lord
You are the great high priest
Acquainted with grief and sorrow
You bore our sin, shame, misery
We thank you, Lord
Lord, we confess that we are truly like sheep and go astray
We stray off into our own way
To our own detriment
We esteem you not, Lord
And ask that you have mercy upon us
Thank you for being our guilt offering
Heavenly Father, thank you that Jesus, your son, was pierced for our transgressions
And bore our sin
Thank you that we are no longer guilty before you
And that now through Christ we have peace with you
God of peace, help us to trust you
And to pick up our cross and follow you
I pray this in Jesus’ name