Our Story

After 9/11, a couple of churches made it an effort to plant a church near Ground Zero—this led to Messiah’s Reformed Fellowship: a light of hope in the shadow of the greatest evil ever perpetrated on an American city. On February 2, 2003, Rev. Paul T. Murphy conducted MeRF's first Lord’s Day worship service. Since then, Messiah’s Reformed Fellowship has moved to different locations around the city to proclaim the Gospel.

    • Our Mission

      Equipping members to share the love of Christ by reaching out to their neighbors in the metro New York City where they live, work, study and play.

    • Our Vision

      A covenantal community shaped by the gospel that displays the glory of God in all areas of life from generation to generation


    The Church

    The church is God’s family, it is the household of God (Eph. 2:19-22). It is made up of a people who were once enemies of God but have been reconciled to Him through the life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. It is not bound by place or person. It is the community of those who have been called out by God. The church is made up of “sinners“ who have been called out of darkness. Jesus is the head of the church. In the church, you hear the voice of Christ and see the gifts of the Spirit used. Jesus is committed to His church, He shed His blood for it and you can’t come to Jesus without coming to His people. To neglect the church is to neglect Jesus. Jesus gathers, protects, and preserves His church. 

    God is actively calling the world to repentance and reconciling sinners to himself, and it is through the church that the mission of the Triune God is on display. Jesus builds up His people through it. No Christian and no church should be independent because the Bible calls us to be members of a church and to commune with one another and live together in love and service to one another. Life is a battle, and the Christian life especially, is a supernatural battle and cannot be fought alone. 



    Our Worship is regulated by the Word of God. God has told us in the Bible how He wants us to worship Him. Sunday corporate worship is distinct from our individual devotion. God is everywhere present at all times, but He is with His people in a unique way on Sunday. God is both the subject and object of our worship. He calls us to worship. And in worship the Word of God is central. The reading, the praying, the preaching, and the singing all point to the Word of God being the centerpiece to what happens on Sunday. Worship begins with God’s call and ends with his blessing. There is a dialogue that takes place as we participate with our whole being. God comes and inhabits our praises. He speaks and we respond. God speaks to His people through the preaching of His Word and through it He grows and sustains them. Through the sacraments the word preached is made visible, God gives us pictures of what He has done in Jesus for us, and in the disciplining of members God shows us his loving care. Each congregant has a part to play in worship. We lift our voices and hands together in praise to God. He marks us with His presence and we receive His good Word of promise and in response His people praise. 

    On Sundays, we are reconstituted and re-commissioned to go out into the world, and confess, and tell of the work of God—who has drawn near to His people in Jesus Christ, through His Spirit, resurrecting them from spiritual death. So Monday through Saturday we live life for the glory of God in our work, and in our neighborhoods because Jesus Christ is King and Lord over all of life.


    Singing & Music

    Through the singing of psalms and hymns, both ancient and modern, we keep with the traditional and current practices of the church body. For some services, such as Easter, Christmas, or communion, there are additional opportunities to serve with musical talents. The choir, as well as instrumental and vocal soloists work together to present special music on those days. Anyone interested in participating for these events is welcome to join.